Onion, Tomato Chutney with Pudhina, Coriander leaves


Onion - 2

Tomato - 2

Green chilies - 2

Pudhina / Mint leaves - a handful

Coriander Leaves - a handful

Tamarind - a small piece



1. In a kadai with little oil, saute chopped green chilies and saute onion till slightly tender.

2. To the above add chopped tomatoes and saute them till it turns mushy.

3. Add chopped pudhina and coriander leaves till the leaves shrink.

4. Once all the above cools down, grind it in a mixie along with tamarind and salt. No seasoning is required.

5. Tasty Onion, Tomato Chutney with Pudhina, and Coriander leaves are ready. Can be had as an accompaniment for both dosa and idli.

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