Raw rice - 1 cup
Paasi parrupu / Pesala pappu / Moong dal - 1/4 cup
Garlic - 1 or 2 pieces crushed
Methi seeds - few
Coconut - 4 tea spoons
Poppy seeds - 1 tea spoon
1. Grind the raw rice coarsely. Pulse it just once or twice. Do NOT wash the raw rice. Just make sure raw rice is free from insects/worms.
2. In a vessel, mix coarsely ground raw rice, moong dal, crushed garlic, and methi seeds along with 7 cups of water and pressure cook for 4 whistles.
3. In a mixie, grind coconut and poppy seeds with water to a paste.
4. Once the pressure releases or after 30 minutes, remove the vessel, mix the ground paste and salt, and place the vessel back on the stove. Allow it to boil briefly, stirring continuously as it boils. This will remove the raw taste of the ground coconut and poppy seed paste.
5. Tasty Breakfast Kanji / Breakfast Porridge is ready. Have kanji mixed with curd or have it with oota saaman.